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& Destroy

Overdriven Reverb

The Surf & Destroy was born from a misunderstanding. When I first started recording with my cassette four track many moons ago, I didn’t realize it had a preamp built in (who reads manuals?). My only mic was an SM57, so to get the volume up I would run the mic through a light overdrive pedal before going into the four track. It was wrong, but I loved how it sounded. Especially how it gave my amp reverb just a little bit of dirt and ‘tude, if you know what I mean -and I think you do. The Surf and Destroy is my take on that sound in a pedal. It feeds a nice spring-ish reverb into a versatile gain circuit.

Here are some things you can do:

- Overdrive your reverb, from just a little touch sensitive crisp to full on blown out gnarly mayhem

- Turn off the overdrive, and just use the reverb totally clean

- Turn down the reverb until it’s just dry signal, and then use the overdrive/fuzz on it’s own

- Run vocals through it, live your lofi dream

- Crank the gain and reverb shoegaze with it (yeah buddy)

Vol - Goes from nothing to above unity

Reverb - Goes from no reverb to around 50/50 with the clean signal, think a Fender amp with the reverb cranked, that kinda mix


Shark knob - Gain level, from just barely crispy to nice and cronchy to full blown out gnarly mayhem. This knob doesn’t do anything when shark mode is turned off

Surf & Destroy: Text
Surf & Destroy: Selected Work
Surf & Destroy: Video
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